Transplanting Cannabis Clones: Essential Tips for Success


Welcome to our blog on transplanting cannabis clones. Here, you’ll find vital tips to ensure success when moving your clones to their new homes. From preparing the transplant environment to providing proper nutrients and post-transplant care, we’ll guide you through the key steps for achieving thriving transplanted cannabis clones. Let’s dive in and optimize your transplanting process for impressive growth and abundant yields.

Prepare the soil

Make sure your soil has good drainage at the bottom. An inch of perlite at the bottom allows for good drainage. Add your preferred soil mixture over the perlite. Thoroughly water the soil.

Make a hole for the clone

Make a hole in the soil for the clone. Once you have the hole, put the clone in the hole to see if it is large enough.

Man wearing nitrile gloves making a hold in soil of plastic grow bag for transplanting clone

Add beneficial microbes

Beneficial microbes help clones by reducing transplant shock through stimulation of new root growth. Place a half portion, based on the directions for the specific beneficial microbes you are using, in the bottom of the hole.

Man holding packet of Mykos beneficial microbes used for transplanting clones

Plant the clone

Place the clone directly on top of the beneficial microbes for great root contact. Put the other half-portion of microbes directly on top of the root ball.

Cover with soil

Cover the clone with about two inches of damp, prepared soil.

Water the container

To determine when to stop watering, lift the container beforehand to gauge its weight. Once you add water, compare the weight to the initial measurement.

Begin watering slowly all around the container, to prevent dry spots and avoid disturbing the soil. Continue watering until you see runoff.

Man holding glass Ball jar with worm compost tea for watering transplanted clone plant

A word on the water

Plants prefer water that is 60°-70°. Depending on the nutrient content of the soil, you may not need to add nutrients with the water.


By following these essential tips for transplanting cannabis clones, you’ll ensure successful cultivation. Create an optimal transplant environment, provide proper nutrients, and care for your clones post-transplant. With these practices, you’ll achieve robust growth and maximize your harvest. Happy cultivating!

Cannabis clone reading for transplanting into larger container

Now that you know about transplanting your clone, learn the basics of growing cannabis in our helpful article, “Growing Cannabis, Beginner’s Guide: A Blog About All The Basics Of Growing Cannabis.”

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